show timeline
this page serves as a list of every show this band has played (that i can find information about, at least)! if the date is hyperlinked, the link leads to pictures or video that was taken of their set :)
nailed shut played a show in my area immediately before their ep release tour. i'd never heard of them before, but they'd played two other shows in my city (even closer to my home) before i knew anything about the hardcore scene!
i'm going to be frank, the show was a disaster. the person who booked it was trying to get too large of a range in the spotlight in too little time. there was a small market, which limited room on the dance floor, and there was no cohesion between each of the acts that played. however, despite the venue approaching closing time, they were granted permission to play a 7-10 minute set as they had traveled farther than any other band on the bill. and in that short set, i fell in love.
as of writing this, i've now seen nailed shut play live five times! they are one of the kindest groups of people i've had the pleasure of knowing through the hardcore music scene. i couldn't be happier to have found them this early - there's no way they won't get huge.
this page serves as a list of every show this band has played (that i can find information about, at least)! if the date is hyperlinked, the link leads to pictures or video that was taken of their set :)
it's been
since this band changed my life!