asher thomas is the frontman for nailed shut! he's a massachusetts native. prior to starting nailed shut, he played guitar for miasma theory and thrifters, and was one half of the duo sad dog. though nailed shut is his only current musical project, he helps manage and book bands through evil eye artists.
joel arnall aids in vocals and plays guitar! i hate picking apart bands for favorites, but if i had to choose a favorite member, it'd probably be him. he's originally from california, but his introduction to the scene was coming to the east coast! he also plays in date nite.
mason roth is another backing vocalist and guitarist! his gutteral range is crazy, i adore it. he's from texas, and played in the new you and crawling back during his time living there! he also has a solo project, floodlight silhouette, and he played in smegmakrath. besides nailed shut, he's currently in survive the sun!
owen chepow is the bassist! he's one of the primary creative minds for the storytelling, horror aspect of this band. he's from pennsylvania! before nailed shut, he played in something about bees?, knights of nair, and date nite. outside of this band, he's in archon theory!
jake thompson kills it on drums! whenever i get to focus on his playing, i am always left in awe. he's from south carolina! before nailed shut, he played guitar for verstand. besides this band, he plays for survive the sun and ov ruin!