thanks for checking out my silly little webpage. feel free to call me rot, ken, gloom, didelphidae - hell, give me your own nickname if you feel like it! i use it/its pronouns in english conversation. i also speak french - svp, si vous utilisez la meme langue, référez-vous à moi avec les pronoms masculins! i'm a 20 year old student - as much as i hope to consistently keep up with this website, i admit that i may not have the free time to do so regularly. but! i'm hoping to use this page as kind of the central hub of my online life - i'll be posting blogs about my day-to-day, creating a casual digital portfolio of my art, and if i get a little bit cleaner with my programming, hopefully making a clearer archive of my radio show. i hope you enjoy all there is to see around here :)
quick content warning
i am a massive fan of horror. additonally, i'm a psychology student who's a big sucker for learning about neuroanatomy. this website may feature images and descriptions of gore! i also may sometimes curse or use crude humor - consider this webpage pg-13! any artistic nudity featured in my art will have a censor and warning if they're uploaded here, and i straight up won't be publishing any r-rated art to this site. but do tread carefully if you are uncomfortable with anything i have mentioned here!